Patient Statement Services

Our organization offers comprehensive and efficient patient statement services.Clear and accurate patient statements are generated and sent by Patient Statement Services, which expedites the billing process for healthcare providers.Soho Tech Services provides quality Patient Statement Services that exceed your expectations! Get your business more organized. To help with any queries or issues you may have about our services.


A Synopsis Of Our Patient Statement Services: Creation And Assistance

Our worldwide delivery methodology bills your patients swiftly and effectively, saving our clients money and time:


Print and Mail services:

  • Generation of statements
  • Printing of patient statements
  • Mailing of statement
From generating and mailing statements to Patient Statement Services monitoring payments and issuing reminders, these services handle every aspect of the invoicing process. By contracting out billing duties 


Patient Friendly Billing:

  • We work with you to create patient friendly statements that are easy to read and understand.
  • Implement Patient Portals. Through the patient portal, we make it possible for you to take credit card payments from patients.
  • Address Patient Queries. We can also support any calls that you may be receiving from the patients regarding their bills.By handling reminders, payment monitoring, and invoicing and Patient Statement Services, these services guarantee on-time payments and lessen administrative work. They increase patient happiness and financial efficiency by communicating clearly and providing simple-to-understand billing information. Patient Statement Services produce accurate and comprehensive patient statements, which improve the efficiency of healthcare billing. Soho Tech Services provides quality Patient Statement Services that exceed your expectations! Get your business more organized for healthcare providers for your more information.
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Electronic Statements

An electronic statement is created and mailed to the patient

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Printed Statements

We log into the practice management system and print the statements for onward mailing to the patients.

Benefits of our Patient Statement Generation Services

The following advantages are provided to our clients by our complete array of A/R and denial management services:


We also provide credit balance services. For more details, please visit our page.